Event notice: Wichita Flag Screenprint Jam (2019 Jul 21 - 5:00 pm)

Starting: 2019 Jul 21 - 5:00 pm
Ending: 2019 Jul 21 - 7:00 pm
Instructor: Kim Burton
Register: http://makeict.wildapricot.org/event-3468557
Price: $5.00 for MakeICT Members and $10.00 for Non-Members.

Happy birthday Wichita!

Do you have a boring dark t-shirt that needs… something? It obviously needs a Wichita flag!

For this event - bring up to three dark clothes, whatever you want, shirts, hoodies, onesies, dresses, pants, bandanas, and we’ll screenprint a single color (white) Wichita flag on it! The print looks great on colors like medium blue. Fabrics that are really thin, wrinkly or ribbed don’t work as well but we’ll try anything.

It does not take very long to screenprint three shirts once we’re set up so just show up any time during the event.

Bring a friend for $5!

Hey all, our fair City of Wichita was founded July 21, 1870 so we are holding this print jam to say happy 149th birthday! :slight_smile: :birthday:

Any other areas want to jump in and add a fun activity to the day?

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Here are some pix of the event.

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