Event notice: Music Night (2021 Jun 25 - 06:00 PM)

Time: Jun 25 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Instructor: LaDeana Dockery
Register: https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=dHRwcWdtdnU0MWdqbzJsM2N2ZnBxM2xpcmcgbWFrZWljdC5vcmdfdnFkbW9wdXFjYjFtajFvajVpNWswdGgyZjBAZw
Price: MakeICT Members - $0.00
Price: Non-Members - $0.00

Bring a guitar or bass or other musical instrument and we will gather on the old basketball court and try and play some music. This is a trial run to see if we want to do this each Friday or a few Fridays a month. If it rains, we will check to see if there are any classes (and at this point, there aren’t) and duck into the maker space to play. I expect this to be a community event, so if you know a basement guitarist, bass player, drummer (or whatever) invite them out.

(If someone shows up with a sweet treat, I am pretty sure they will be met with much joy :slight_smile: )