Electronics Lab Work Day!

Hello hello!!

Exciting things have been happening in the Electronics lab this spring! We’ve added several new-to-us pieces of equipment and have been working on organizing and making all things more accessible/readily available to use.

Along those lines, we are planning to have a workday in the Electronics lab.

June 3rd 8:30a-2p/when ever we get done. Whichever is earlier.

Agenda for the morning:

  • Use 1-2 of the available sheets of plywood from the hallway to make some shelves (I’ll be bringing shelf plans with me :slight_smile: but I am positive there are people with more shelf building experience than I have, so all ideas are welcome!). I’m pretty sure we’ll need 2x4s and screws, but I haven’t gotten that far yet. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Do a bit of organizing/putting new shelves to good use. Many hands make light work!
  • Consume copious amounts of donuts and fruit (cuz what good work day doesn’t have donuts and fruit?).

All people and ideas are welcome to come help!

Happy Thursday!

@Events @james.a.seymour @Jesse @doug.wilson


Super awesome. We probably ought to loop communications in.


Could we also get this added to the calendar?

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Added to calendar! Check to see I got all the details.


Thanks! Looks great, except it’s added for 8 instead of 8:30a. lol. It’s a little detail, but 8a is getting donuts time. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Altered to allow for donuts!




Any chance you can get me an appopriate photo for this event for the weekly classes/event newsletter scheduled to go out tomorrow (Thursday) morning?


I sent some. :slight_smile: @james.a.seymour might have a better one :woman_shrugging:t3:

Thanks for doing this!!!

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Also, remember this isn’t this weekend, it’s next. :slight_smile:

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Yes! I usually cover two weekends and the workweek in between so weekend events get covered twice….once for planners and once for spontaneous folks!


Bumping for awareness. :slight_smile:

This is tomorrow!! Donuts have been preordered. Fruit will be obtained this evening. Plywood, 2X4s, and screws are available.

All we need to make this a great day is a bajillion people show up to help make shelves, clean shelves, and organize our electronics life. :slight_smile: (if, like, half of those bajillion people are woodshop authorized, that would also be epic. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )

Happy Friday Y’all!!


We had a great work day today!!

A huge Thank You to @Christian @kim @supercritical @ElectricGeckos @jameslancaster for all their help!!! Today was a team effort and we have the best team!

If you’re sad you missed this amazing day of organization and fruit and donuts (and fresh cookies and fruit from @GCaine!), keep your eye on the calendar for another in August/September. :slight_smile:

Please note: there are now new shelves and a couple of “cleaned off” shelves. Please *do not” think these are free shelves and add to them. There is a plan for everything and everything has a plan.

Along those same lines, it looks like there is a hackable pile in front of the hackable shelves. That is incorrect. I am working through sorting through the pile and will add items to the hackable shelves or project shelves as applicable. As of right now, the shelves that are labeled “hackable” are correct and the shelves that are labeled “do not hack” are correct.

Happy Making!




LOVE IT! Thank you for the donuts and for organizing this Kez these shelves will be awesome!


I’m so bummed we didn’t do a group pic till after you left. :cry::cry:
Next time we’ll do a morning group pic and afternoon group pic. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


And after the other day the lab looks great :+1:

So I left a metal rectangle and a white cardboard tube full of paper as a present


Metal rectangle has found a home.

I’ll adjust it around when I finish organizing that board (I also accidentally had another idea for rearranging and making more things more accessible. So maybe it’ll look even better next time you see it…. :grin:).

The tube of paper was a little more challenging to find a home. I think I need someone tall and a ladder to help me with it. Good thing we’re all gonna hang out the second Monday in July, right?

Thanks @james.a.seymour!


Oo and it needs to go near the ham lab :pig:


On Fri, Jun 16, 2023, 17:09 Kez via MakeICT Forum <noreply@talk.makeict.org> wrote:

| KezC Maker Of Things That Do The Thing
June 16 |

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Metal rectangle has found a home.

I’ll adjust it around when I finish organizing that board (I also accidentally had another idea for rearranging and making more things more accessible. So maybe it’ll look even better next time you see it…. :grin:).

The tube of paper was a little more challenging to find a home. I think I need someone tall and a ladder to help me with it. Good thing we’re all gonna hang out the second Monday in July, right?

Thanks @james.a.seymour!

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| james.a.seymour Director of Pansophy and ERP Area Lead
June 16 |

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And after the other day the lab looks great :+1: So I left a metal rectangle and a white cardboard tube full of paper as a present

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