Electronics Display: Various Spiffy Things

Added Various Spiffy Things to the case today! Stop by and check out some interesting solder solutions, then hop on into the Electronics lab and see if you can replicate them! :sunglasses:
Thanks for the loan @Christian!! (We’re all wondering what that heater thing went to. #TellUsTheHistory!)

If you want your electronics project on display, we do too!

Either in the case or on top of the case (space allowing), we would love to display your made at MakeICT project! There are currently 1.5 shelves completely empty in the display case. Let’s fill them up!

Battery powered is great, if you provide the batteries. There is limited power sources for plug in projects.

Feel free to reach out to myself or @james.a.seymour or @Electronics if you’re interested in adding to the display case!


Super cool! I have been watching to see what pops up!