Edit: Sawstop No Longer Down 6/7/22

Still down.
Sorry, we’ll see what tomorrow evening brings

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SawStop up and running 1:15pm 6/9/22


Any idea on why it keeps getting tripped?


I’ve certainly been trying to figure that out! There have been six activations this year. At least two of the activations were decidedly user error. SawStop Technical Service (who are great btw: knowledgeable, patient, available, and responsive) doesn’t think the saw is faulty, but that we’re getting electrical anomalies or bad luck in materials that are setting it off. I have asked about power supply conditions (though they should be A+++ for what we paid for the new electric) and that shouldn’t be an issue. Sometimes dust buildup in the machine can cause trips, SO PLEASE USE THE DUST COLLECTOR FOR ANY AND ALL CUTS!!! Other than that, I’ll keep doing the prescribed diagnostics and sending in the brakes for analysis.


Are there cameras in the woodshop and is everything being reported?

With how expensive these are, if somebody is triggering them from misuse and not being honest, this could really add up. Six triggers is already over half a grand. It might be time to start keeping track and issuing some warnings possibly.

I can only make assumptions though since I’ve never used it myself and only been a member for a month now. I tend to be pretty cynical so this could just be me being me.


I think it might be time to mount a camera on the ceiling looking straight down at the SawStop, even if it is just a standalone camera/recording system. We may still have our old security system from Douglas, but if not, I’ve probably got a spare DVR around somewhere that’s functional. And I’m pretty sure we’ve got some retired 720p analog cameras.


All but one have been reported.

@hippyman PLEASE don’t mention the combined cost. I am very aware, and try only to think about it when necessary. Wouldn’t want to have to ragequit or anything! :wink:


@David I’ve been waiting for cameras since February, and doubly waiting since beer-can-gate. Bring it on! In fact hit me up dm style and we can talk about where to hide them!

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Damn you anonymous one.

I can cover the cost on this or the next break if that helps alleviate some of the pain. If you’d like me to get this one or reimburse you on it I don’t mind. I’ll have to wait a few days for things to waddle through the slow banking system but I’d be glad to help out. I don’t really know how the money side of things work here. Not sure if you’re stuck paying for all these out of pocket or what.


The Board allocates monies by need. So they buy the new sawstop brakes, oon occasion I’ve bought them from a small ammount that they’ve given the woodshop to opperate from or the fundraiser money. I do personally make donations, but do not technically pay for anything out of pocket. If you would like to make a donation, please consider using cadh or check in one of the drop boxes as paypal does get a measurable cut of paments made there. Please also indicate Woodshop on your donation (regardless of method) in which case I would consider it part of the fundraiser and spend to improve the Woodshop as I see fit. If you would like it to go towards SawStop brakes specifically also indicate that and I will honor that and buy a brake rather than put it towards the fundraiser.

I encourage the fundraiser :slight_smile: an initial batch of that effort will be implemented in the coming weeks

Thanks for your generous offer


Also, now that I’m thinking about it, I think the unreported activation was a misunderstanding where we simply didn’t find the incident report for a few days. Please do text me immediately if anything goes wrong/equipment breaks in the Woodshop.


Umm, your $500+ estimate might be off a bit since some of the activations had to be paid back through out of pocket by those who activated. For a new trigger and blade combo it runs around $130, or about 5 months of membership at the regular $25 per.


Then yep it was just me being cynical and I apologize for just making quick assumptions. I’m glad that I’m being proven wrong here.

No harm done, just adding clarification for transparency.

Sheldon, thanks for mentioning my omission. In addition SawStop has been generous in replacing breaks that activated in connection to some sort of failure (though shipping was around a business week. Brake issues are a real possibility
We do ask that activations that are the result of improper use be paid for.


Just to confirm. The saw IS up and running. I’m heading that way to cut some plywood down.


Saw worked great! So did the dust collector. However, once again the dust barrel was full and trash cans overflowing. We emptied everything and took out random drinks and food trash that were sitting around the woodshop.


Thank you for being Excellent!


Reminder: We have a can crusher across from the break room. If you have food trash, please put that in the break room trash can so we can limit the furry rodents in the building.
(Reminder is for those that didn’t clean up…)


Super excellent!!!

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