Dragon 3D printer

3d printed dragon from thingiverse

Flexible with articulating joints that were printed in place, printed body then wings

Was intrigued by the joint system


@Frank, can I put this photo in the newsletter?

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I think I have this same one bookmarked, it looks beautiful in that color! I may have to bump up fixing my printer in ‘things to get done around the house’ list… oh wait, I can’t chmod that list, it’s write protected by the wife :frowning:


Sure feel free too

I used silk pla in prusa it did very well

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It sure did!

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I put dragon in an open spot in window display for people to see is this ok?

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Sure! If you send me a picture, I’ll put it in the newsletter. Or I’ll take a photo when I come by there later.

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I guess I already have a picture, sorry. Up too many hours sometimes.

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“I put dragon in an open spot in window display for people to see is this ok?”

does a 3 legged dog swim in a circle? of course it’s ok.

actually, that’s an incorrect colloquialism, and I have been shown empirically that not all three legged dogs swim in a circle. My apologies.

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“actually, that’s an incorrect colloquialism, and I have been shown empirically that not all three legged dogs swim in a circle. My apologies.”
I’m sure he dont care if he can swim in a circle just that he dont drown while swimming at all lol