Design help wanted

I am participating in a sales trip in a few weeks. We sell test equipment and the guys I’ll be traveling with have jokingly dubbed this test equipment spectacular “Test-actular!” Yes, it is intended to make you think, WTH! I don’t intend to actually make shirts or anything for this, but thought it would be fun to let them think I am. But without a design, I can’t send them anything. I’m no graphic artist, and I don’t really have any funding for this since it’s a gag (at least for now, lol), but if somebody who can design such things wouldn’t mind helping me out, I’ll pat you the back and say thanks! I’d actually take you out for lunch or buy you a drink or toss a few bucks your way. DM me for my cell if you want to help me out. TIA


I don’t know why by the word Test-tacular made me think retro, and I whipped this up

Still not quite happy with the font


I guess I need to find some pictures of test equipment that can be added to the design

I have an idea for you!

(316) 641-1010

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Not sure why, but my mind went into the gutter and straight to an embroidered zipper bag design I have…