Cuttery thingy

Last year one of our members brought in this really cool cutting tool that was great for making cool shapes with thick paper and thin plastics like milk gallons. It was a box, sat on the table and ran off a household drill. It had an enclosed bit on top of the box that just moved up and down, you held the plastic firmly down on the table and pushed it through the bit. Kids could even use it. I can’t find any records of it anywhere. Anyone remember what it was called? Maybe it started with a B? It was a fun maker monday activity demo but all details have completely escaped me.

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You are looking for a Rexbiti nibbler. Search amazon and you will find this and many more like it. A box will have to be made to hold it into position.

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That was a member of Sunflower woodworking guild. Bill Tumblesons was the guy that brought it in.