Create 3d laser-cut object with arc

I want to create a plywood object that has an arc. Two sides of the object would be flat and at least one side would have the arc. (Think living hinge for flex.) While I could possibly use Inkscape for designing, I assume there is other software I could use. I’d like the software to be free so I’m wondering about Blender. How well would Blender work for designing and ensuring the tabs for gluing would be correctly placed? Would I be able to “flatten” the arc so I have a 2d object for cutting on the laser?

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I guess you could use the texture unwrapping feature to make a 2d of your 3d object, I’d have to try it to say for sure.

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Is the side that is flex only bent in one direction (like a cylinder) or in two (like a a half sphere).
If it is only bent in one direction, you could just measure the length of the curvy side and the width and in the flat it would be a rectangle of that length and width. (A measuring tape or string could measure the curvy side in this case.)

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The words you’re using make it sound reasonable. :slight_smile: I’ll have to learn Blender if others agree or say that it can be done. My OP was a “feeler” to see if I need to learn new software.


What I’m thinking is single direction/cylinder. I agree that I could do math-y things and get it to work if I don’t make a lot of mistakes. In theory I should be able to compute the distance using just the tools in Inkscape but then I thought maybe there’d be other tools I could use that would nearly guarantee fitness of design. I might be coming to your Blender meet-up on Thursdays to learn more.

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I would make it extra long and trim it to fit. I love Mathy things and Computer aided design but sometimes a test fit is the way to go. Dean is doing the blender meetup…you might ask him what he thinks.


On Mon, Jul 17, 2023 at 5:13 PM Dave Miller via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| xrunner MakeICT Member
July 17 |

  • | - |

What I’m thinking is single direction/cylinder. I agree that I could do math-y things and get it to work if I don’t make a lot of mistakes. In theory I should be able to compute the distance using just the tools in Inkscape but then I thought maybe there’d be other tools I could use that would nearly guarantee fitness of design. I might be coming to your Blender meet-up on Thursdays to learn more.

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@deanday for awareness.

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