CNC Plasma is Operational! Need help testing

Hi everyone!

The long awaited cnc plasma repairs are done! We need some help testing things out. Please report any problems in this thread or show up to the cnc night on Thursdays.

The system looks nothing like it did before so anyone who is authorized will need to read the wiki especially the parts at the very bottom regarding linuxcnc.

You will also need to update your post processor, (see wiki above ^^^ for link and explanation)

Any questions let me know here. We will be having classes soon!

Thanks for your patience!

PS the THC and Ohmic touchoff are still being wired and tuned. So leave those disabled for now. Will hope to have those working in the next few weeks.


That’s great news. I am looking forward to getting checked out on this. I haven’t been able to join on thursday nights for a while because of family activities but I’ll try to get in there soon. I appreciate the hours Jimmy and the others devoted to making this happen. Thanks guys!