well here’s the main reason why it bugs me that not everyone cleans up. I have a finite amount of time to use the equipment, any time spent on cleaning up after someone else takes away from that.
i have always worked at making sure my various projects (i have 5 of them going at the moment) are Not in anyone’s way and are labeled, as per the storage policy states on the first page. I do have a locker and i pay rent on it as well, its full of tools and stuff and labeled with my pic and contact info as well. I have watched in the past as people will mill through and actually go through my stuff looking for something. If my creative mess offends anyone, it would be nice to have someone point it out to me privately rather than just carpet bomb the forum about it with generalizations and partial screenshots.
Im planning on having an non creative day to pop by and go through my stuff just because i actually dont know what i have.
I will ask again: are there some specific items preventing you from using the woodshop effectively? Many more people are using the shop daily, and not complaining, than those who are complaining. I can’t police the shop daily. Can’t please all the people all the time. Most people DO clean their mess. Most people DO mark their stored work. I agree with Kez that we should encourage cleaning more, but I can’t be a Nazi, nor should I be. It’s a makerspace, things get dirty. We could do a total deep clean and one project later there is dust everywhere. Dust or no dust, wood can be worked just the same.
Should we choose to direct our energy to work around each other in harmony in a positive manner? And maybe clean each other’s mess occasionally to Be Excellent? Or take the negative road where nothing is ever good enough? I can walk in any department and point out shortcomings–thats not the right path IMO. YMMV
I remember that line in the signup… I expected it.
30 years ago I began encouraging my maturing children to " have the habit of behaving all the time, as if there are cameras everywhere. Because thats the way the world is going." And that has come true. I cant change that and am about to install a camera in front of my house now. [I dont mind if you turn around in my driveway though].
If you are a civil libertarian who wants to die on this hill, I may back you … right up until you die. Then I walk away knowing I am being “filmed” as I drive on Kellogg and shop at walmart, and many many other places. Its an issue for real…but one we opened the door widely… after 9-11.
It actually bugs me that I could attend a cleanup or class, and my picture wind up on the website, with no notification or ask. There are times I am willing to be the 66 y.o. poster child for “makers in a wheelchair.”. But most days, that endless expectation is a weight I dont care for. And so I tell photographers," please, dont publish pics with me in it".
Then again if you asked me ahead of time and Im not slumming or my hair outta control… we can do that. Im a Depends wearer and when those fail and my wet spot is embarrassing… do I hafta explain anything else about my desire to not be published unknowingly?
Its 2023, … way past 1984.
Communication doesn’t have access to the footage. Any time we are making social media posts we have asked for images to be shared with us or asked permission to take pictures and share.
Security footage is only reviewed by security and only when some incident arises that calls for it. Here is our link to our policy on it: CCTV Policy - MakeICT Wiki