Clean Up Day : Come Get Your (lovely!) Stuff

Clean-Up day went really well on Sunday. Thanks to everyone who helped all around the space as well as in ceramics!

We cleaned out abandoned bisqued pieces that have been hanging out in the studio since March or earlier (in some cases even last year). Some pieces were kept and will be glazed and donated to the upcoming fundraiser in accordance with published studio policy of 30 days max storage.

The following not so old bisqued pieces still remain. Please either come and glaze your (lovely!) pieces or let us know if we can dispose of them. We need to keep the shelves clean in order to keep the studio working for our active members and new members coming in!

We think these are relatively recent but they were not dated so we couldn’t be sure how long they have been hanging around:

These have been here since at least May:

These have been here since at least June:

These have been here since sometime last month:

These are from the current month in one of the firings prior to the most recent one, which those pieces are hanging out on the top of the kiln shelf:

I believe we’ve reached out to these artists before about disposition of these pieces but I wasn’t 100% sure that last time that happened in some cases, so this is a last chance to let us know what we should do with them:

There’s a bit of glazed work hanging out too! Take these beautiful things home and get to making some new ones!

If you happen to know contact info for anyone with these pieces, please get in touch with them if they aren’t actively participating here in the forum so they know there stuff is ready to find a new home.

Thanks to everyone for the overwhelming interest and use of the ceramics studio. It’s gratifying in so many ways to see all the great work that’s being done back in our little corner of the makerspace.


The turtles belong to me. I’ll be in to glaze them this weekend. Thanks!