Ceramics Dip Glaze Station - Vote and Fundraiser

We are ready to start soliciting ideas (and funds) to fill up the buckets on our dip glaze station! We have five 5 gallon buckets. One bucket will be clear glaze, while the remaining four are up for vote from studio members!

It takes 20-25 pounds of glaze to fill a 5 gallon bucket. The cost ranges from about $100 - $200.

Please take a look at the Clayscapes, Aamaco Potters Choice, and Aamaco Celadon glazes on the Evans website (don’t worry if they are in stock or not) and throw your suggestions in the discussion below. We’ll compile a list of everything that gets thrown out and then we’ll have a vote to see what the four winners are!

Once we’ve got our selections, we’ll price them and begin soliciting funds to pay for them.


Here are my votes:
Clayscape Aqua (Clayscapes Aqua 10 pound – Evans Ceramic Supply)
Clayscape Aurora (Clayscapes Aurora 10 pound – Evans Ceramic Supply)
Clayscape Garden Green (Clayscapes Garden Green 10 pound – Evans Ceramic Supply)
Western #4528 Moss Agate (Western Dry #4528 Moss Agate Art)


I’m down for really anything! I think neutrals for the majority of the bins and one rotating bin of color might be best used by everyone, but I’ll be interested to try them all!

Here are a few ideas that I liked:
Basic White- Laguna MS-63 Colonial White (https://shop.clay-planet.com/laguna-ms-63-colonial-white.aspx)
Speckaled Tan- Western #4533 Lava Brown Matt Dry 25 Lbs (Western Dry #4533 Lava Brown Matt)
A wild mix- Clay Planet Mystic (Clay Planet Mystic Crystal Mid Fire cone 5/6 Glaze)

Thank you for getting this together. Would we be able to do another community MakeICT market specializing in pottery donated from studio members to help raise funds? Not sure what everyone’s thoughts would be on that but it might be something fun we could do! Like a gallery night!


I like Clayscapes Starry Night and Amaco Textured Amber Brown, Textured Turquoise or Tourmaline, & Blue Rutile.
I frequently see these Amaco glazes mentioned when I’m searching for recommended glaze combinations.



I’m fine with any dip glazes. I liked 2 of our previous glazes, that white/purple one and the dark bluish one


I don’t know links but I think seaweed, oatmeal and tenmoku


Also I have a free bucket of mixing clear I can donate it’s still powder form


I like the oatmeal, it’s good with other colors


Five folks throwing out ideas so far. Great! How’s about the rest of our ceramicists? What say you?

I dont know a lot about glazes but a food safe cobalt blue?

We called it cash blue when I blew glass.

Ooh I’d have to make a tea set… maybe a few…

Ok folks! It’s time to cast your vote! Please, only one form submission per person.

:white_check_mark: Click Here, and cast your vote!

The four glazes with the highest scores will be our choices to move forward with to price and raise funds for.

We’ll leave voting open for a couple weeks to get as much input as possible.


Would you like a FB post?

Nope. Just want input from active studio members.


Anything blue’s, purple’s, reds, greens, and anything with crystals.

Voting is still happening! Scroll up and click on the voting link a couple posts above and cast your vote if you haven’t already!

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P.S. Nine people have voted so far. We’ve got a couple of ties right now even!

You made that one column all green! You should make it the color of the glaze!

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That’s so exciting! Here’s my votes:

Clayscapes Aurora: Clayscapes Aurora 10 pound – Evans Ceramic Supply

Clayscapes Garden Green: https://evansceramics.com/product/clayscapes-garden-green-10-pound/

Colonial white

Moss agate art

Clayscapes aqua

These are my favorites. I put the white glaze there because I think it would be such a heavily used glaze and would be beneficial in costs in the long run. The rest I just think are beautiful. (Couldn’t help to add the fifth)

We’re up to 13 votes so far! Here’s how’s it’s looking right now:

I’m going to leave voting open until the evening of August 8th.

Please, only one form submission per person.

:white_check_mark: Click Here, and cast your vote!

The four glazes with the highest scores will be our choices to move forward with to price and raise funds for.


It appears to be very close. If I’m reading correctly the 4th place is a tie, so every vote could easily make a difference.