On the calendar for Friday, November 15, 6:00pm, is the entry “EMBRACING SOUTH WICHITA”, but when I click on it, no description is shown, very little information appears. Could someone who has calendar admin rights find out who posted this event, and ask them (or help them) to add more information? Thanks.
That entry is by Dean Day. I think that is the day that the Local Historians are to give us information on South Wichita. @deanday
There have been lots of entries on the calendar that are unclear. Usually, it’s abbreviations or acronyms that may be known by those who know about that particular subject, but for others, it’s like, what the heck is that all about? e.g. what is SCA?
When there is little or no description at all, it may not get the attention of someone who may otherwise be interested in the class or event and then not get as many people attending the event.
We don’t all take time to ask questions about something when there is so little information to get our interest in the first place.
Sorry about the SCA abbreviation. The Society for Creative Anachronism meets here. (Ren faire people). Often the abbreviations are necessary to fit the calendar… but you are right more description would be good.
Here is the description from their Arts and Science meet up. I copied and pasted:
Description: Meet us at the entrance on the North side of the building. There will be a doorbell on the right side of the door that must be rung to get into the building. Arts & Science meetings are times dedicated to working on projects with members of the barony. Depending on the class schedule, organized classes can also be taught. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact our Minister of Arts and Sciences Astridr Birnudottir by email at artsandsciences@vatavia.calontir.org and/or our Chatelaine, who helps new people, Aia Gold-Bearer at chatelaine@vatavia.calontir.org
Here is the decription from their fighter practice (copied and pasted)
Description: SCA Fighter Practice - Will be both Armored and Cut and Thrust. Location will depend on the weather and the number of people we will either be by the big tree, the garden or inside. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact our Knight Marshal Yurik Randulfson by email at Knightmarshal@vatavia.calontir.org and/or our Chatelaine, who helps new people, Aia Gold-Bearer at chatelaine@vatavia.calontir.org
Thank you LaDeana. I assumed SCA was Sedgwick County something. LOL Of course, that isn’t the only thing that’s been on the calendar without clear descriptions.
I can understand the need for brevity on the calendar itself, but when you click on the item and a description comes up, is there a limit to how much info is on that part? I’ve seen some fairly long descriptions on some things, which is nice if needed.
The descriptions can be quite long. I let the person that makes a class generally put their own description in. They know best what they are doing. But sometimes people forget what others don’t know. SCA is a good example. Folks in the SCA rarely explain that part and I think it is kind of like when we tell someone we are at a makerspace and forget to explain what it is.
In short, if you see a description that seems lacking, give either myself or the owner a clue and we will try to make that easier to understand.
This would be a great time for them to clarify it too, since the recurrence expires after this week. Host doesn’t appear to be on the forum.
I contacted him and he will add more description when he adds the new entries.
SCA added extra info on what SCA is. Does that look ok?https://makeict.org/calendar/
I was going to say, is there something wrong with penning in a hug for half the city