Blue mill friends

To Bluemill user or new friends what is faster to cut by bluemill than fusion 360 ? Please let me know thank ma’am or sir

from Moto Like learn more engineering

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Huh? You’re going to have to rephrase your question.

The blue mill is the machine that you can used to cut something you have designed in fusion 360 or another design software to be milled.


Ok thanks. There’s a software company called bluemill that doesn’t seem to have any cad specific ties, but doesn’t necessarily not have.

Anyway, what do you mean faster than fusion 360? Machine time can be affected by the cam you are using but I wouldn’t say one cam is inherently going to produce faster parts. An endmill optimum feeds/speeds aren’t going to vary by cam.

The tiny Mill isn’t a haas or fadal.

The Original Question ? WAS THIS !
Is there a program that is Easier, Faster, Quicker to learn to operate The Fablab Blue Mill?
Than spending weeks learning Fusion 360 !

Also who can and will give Classes on running the Little Blue Mill ?

What happened to Gemma ? she worked so hard getting the little blue mill ready,
to start to train on !

This question gets ask every time someone sees the mill !
Who’s giving the class for this machine ? How do we get trained on this machine ?

Fusion 360 is a little complicated for members to figure out how to use on their own
with out any background in CNC CAD PROGRAMS, !

This is for Metal Shop cnc plasma cutter !
And who can write the ( codes, parameters ) for a new program if we find one, like used in
Fusion 360 to make Linuxcnc operate the cnc-plasma table ?


Ok, well that’s not what is in the op so I’m not sure how the rest of us were supposed to infer that.

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