Blue Mill Back In Service

After correcting several major issues, the Blue Mill (aka D&M 4 mill) is back in service. There are several minor issues remaining which I would also like to correct, but since it has been out of service for awhile, I will work on those as time and user demand allow. If you experience any problems, please message me or post. Thank you for your patience, as this repair was more extensive than originally anticipated.

Note to users: Please be careful, as this little machine has no Y-axis way covers, or Y-axis way wipers, as a larger machine might. Please tell someone if you drop a heavy object on the Y-axis ways, as it leaves an impact crater (with raised edges) that has to be smoothed down. Please clean your chips off of the Y ways and Y drive screw frequently and thoroughly, even if you have to pause a program with a long running time. (Not making extremely tiny powder-like chips will help with this.) By doing these things we can extend the life of this machine and make it more useful to everyone. Thanks very much!


Sorry to reply to my own post, but I forgot to tag the people I should have. Apologies if I caused any of you to look at this twice. Here’s the list I have, additions and corrections appreciated: @mudbug @Jimmy @james.a.seymour @whateg01 @Andyoutside @rustin.atkeisson @jameslancaster