Bisque Firing shceduled?

Hello. Is there a scheduled date for the next bisque firing? I need to have some pendants completed by May 10th. Its not a problem if nothing is scheduled. I just need to know so i can get them to Evans if necessary.


I’ve been waiting for enough work to load the kiln. I’ll be in this morning to see if there’s enough to load. The schedule is related to the volume of work. 316-371-5504 if you need further information.


Kind of thought that was the issue.
There are still not many pieces on the shleves. I have a 3 pieces drying but it will be a 2 - 4 days before all are ready. I might go ahead and take those few small pieces to evans for bisque to ensure i have time to glaze and fire by may 10th
Thanks for responding. I appreciate it.

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