
Found this interesting article if anyone is into biohacking.


I do enjoy biohacking, I have a few mods myself; this article does have some interesting concepts.


There is a guy at the salina makerspace that has magnets embedded in his hand and said he uses it to feel for AC.

Oddly enough, I think his name was James.


There are several maker spaces that specialize in biohacking. If we are interested in doing some of this, I could probably get us some contacts. I think we would want to be very careful …


Was is the keyword there :wink:

(That was me pre-transition) I have two magnets in one hand and an rfid chip in the other.


My bad!

I’m partially face blind. So if I see people out of context I usually don’t recognize them. Sometimes I think I recognize people who aren’t who I think they are. Someone from work could walk by me in the grocery store and I wouldn’t notice. Or worse I’ll wave to someone I think I know and it’s not them. So I just normally wait to see if people want to interact with me.

Its hell with complex tv shows like DARK where the story line is all convoluted. I get so lost because I can’t tell the difference between two different characters, sometimes I have to pause the show and have my wife explain wtf is going on.

I’ve gotten a few interesting conversations out of thinking I was talking to someone I know.


That wasnt my intention, I apologize, I was trying to be somewhat playful (I biohacked myself into the opposite gender, one could say), not kill this chat topic, while providing updated information.

Biohacking in its many facets is somrthing thats held my intrest for quite a while. Ive had magnets in my hand for over 10 years now. Biohacking doesn’t just encompass what most people think of it, its also stuff like what Neil Harbisson has done; he is colorblind and has added a "modification " to himself that allows him to hear color so he can experience the world while in a unique way, similar to what everyone else does. Genetic engineering, electrical engineering, computer programming, mechanical engineering, alll has a place, it’s not just chemistry but any discipline you can add to the mix to agument the human experience.


MIT was working on tattoo inks that change color with changes in various conditions, notably bloodsugar.

I would love a tattoo of a lightsaber where the blade changes color based on bloodsugar


On Fri, Jan 6, 2023, 08:01 Tarka Ellips via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| Tarka MakeICT Member
January 6 |

  • | - |

That wasnt my intention, I apologize, I was trying to be somewhat playful (I biohacked myself into the opposite gender, one could say), not kill this chat topic, while providing updated information.

Biohacking in its many facets is somrthing thats held my intrest for quite a while. Ive had magnets in my hand for over 10 years now. Biohacking doesn’t just encompass what most people think of it, its also stuff like what Neil Harbisson has done; he is colorblind and has added a "modification " to himself that allows him to hear color so he can experience the world while in a unique way, similar to what everyone else does. Genetic engineering, electrical engineering, computer programming, mechanical engineering, alll has a place, it’s not just chemistry but any discipline you can add to the mix to agument the human experience.

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That would be super cool, I’d love yo be able to monitor blood pressure, sugar, O2 that way. One of my main interests right now is synthetic enzyme development to measure certain things, kinda like how a glucose monitor works.


Imagine the sensory inputs you’ll be able to buy when the Japanese perfect the wetware interface.

All the sudden we will be able to put a small device in your port that allows you to experience various effects, all controllable by your phone.

Oh yea I like to run thc during lunch, that way I’m relaxed when i turn it off and get back to work.


Saw this the other day and it reminded me of this thread:

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David is such a cool sculpture. When you see pics at his eye level it looks like his head is too big, but standing in front of it the proportions are perfect. Like one of those street drawings that look 3d at the right angle… but a sculpture.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2023, 09:31 Christian Kindel via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| Christian MakeICT Member
January 11 |

  • | - |

Saw this the other day and it reminded me of this thread:

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I’m going to post this thread on some crazy q-anon forum and break the internet. :joy:

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Actually I’ve been biohacking in a way. Been on a diet and for awhile I was exploiting the fact that diabetics loose weight really fast sometimes. Sometimes biohacking is just paying attention to your system and tuning it to do what you need.

If someone knows how to completely change their system at will that would be a fun class.

Also I am a firm believer in poop transplants. I don’t think everyone has good gut flora and I don’t believe the medical community is giving it enough attention. By transplanting good gut flora from one person into another you should get some positive results. They do it with cattle. KSU has a cow with a hole in its side you can reach in and feel its stomach. That’s what it’s for to give other cows good gut flora.


I had good reason to learn about and seek a fecal microbial transplant within the last year. I had a refractory case of C Diff (Clostridioides difficile) that lasted about four months.

Three emergency room visits, one hospital stay and almost $10k worth of antibiotics with almost no effect. FMT turns out to be really difficult to access through ordinary medical services and the idea of a DIY solution seemed like a last resort.

There are many potentially pathogenic microbes in any one person’s large intestine that are only kept in check by the other microbes and that person’s immune system. C Diff is one that’s carried silently by an estimated 2.5 percent of the US population. There are many others that have to be screened for in order for FMT to not create additional problems. One place that recruited college students as donors, even after pre-screening has to discard 39 out of 40 donations because of known pathogens found in the donation.

It’s often considered safest if the donor is in the same household due to already being exposed to that person’s biome.

Only one doctor in the Wichita area is known to do FMT. But the only FDA cleared source is restricting use to patients already having multiple organ failure or otherwise near death. There’s just not enough useable donated material to treat even a small fraction of people who would benefit because of C Diff, let alone other conditions.

The gut biome is extremely important and much more varied than one would guess. The average healthy person has an estimated 300-3000 different microbes in their large intestine and lower small intestine at any given time and many of them aren’t well studied.


Just two months ago the FDA officially approved FMT, which should open up the treatment to much wider use in humans. Its previous restrictions would have been related to the unapproved status.

FMT have long been used in veterinary medicine because malpractice lawsuits haven’t restricted us to nearly the extent it’s ruined human medicine.

And, FWIW, mainstream human medicine is using extremely high dose probiotics to treat many autoimmune gastrointestinal conditions including inflammatory bowel disease. Visbiome is a more cost effective source you can purchase without a prescription from their website. 450-1800 billion organisms per day for therapeutic use. Probiotics also help prevent ibuprofen induced stomach ulcers.


Previous to the approval of Rebyota the status of FMT was an investigational therapy that is permitted under certain circumstances by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) . That was under the agency’s “enforcement discretion” provision. In practice one thing restricting it’s use was only a single source of standardized material that was in very limited supply made worse by Covid.

The approval of Rebyota both reduces hesitancy by medical practitioners and insurance companies and provides an additional source of standardized material.

Probiotics, while often helpful, are generally able to restore only 1-10 percent of the normal biome because many common gut microbes are unable to survive the preparation process and/or unable to survive the oral route of administration.


It’s good to run into people that really know their shit.

Great info.


I take shitposting to a whole other level