Biding on old Letterpress area

For those who may want a full letterpress for your very own we have one to sell you the opening bid is 400$. You must also remove all item in a timely manner by yourself.
Purchase all letterpress shop equipment and accessories, including press, type, and any other equipment in the print shop that MakeICT isn’t planning to keep (paper folder or Nu-Arc plate burner, for example)
You will be responsible for moving everything. MakeICT would be responsible for clearing an appropriate path to the overhead door. Most likely would require at least temporary removal of freestanding wall behind press.
MakeICT will mark all items it will keep.

This is a one week only bid will close on December 7 @12


I am waiting on the sharpener to finish the blade for the large cutting machine in this room. I will send him a message to see what the turn around is expected to be. I wasn’t aware of sales etc.


I should clarify the cutter, laminator and shredder are all currently a keep for the make ICT.