Beginner Solder Kits

After I totally got metaphorically burned by a soldering kit yesterday, I’m asking for better suggestions.

What brand beginner-ish soldering kits would you recommend getting?? My goal is to purchase and assemble myself in order to ascertain if I want to teach a class using it. Or to just have fun. Or both. Cuz if I don’t have fun assembling it, there’s absolutely no way I would ever use it in a class (I’m a firm believer in soldering should be stress relieving not stress inducing).

Currently, I know that I never want another Treedix kit.

Velleman keeps popping up on my Amazon. Are they good.

Any suggestions??


Vellman, Ramsey, Jamco are really good usually.

This might get your juices flowing…


On Sat, Jul 22, 2023, 10:21 Kez via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| Kez Maker Of Things That Do The Thing
July 22 |

  • | - |

After I totally got metaphorically burned by a soldering kit yesterday, I’m asking for better suggestions.

What brand beginner-ish soldering kits would you recommend getting?? My goal is to purchase and assemble myself in order to ascertain if I want to teach a class using it. Or to just have fun. Or both. Cuz if I don’t have fun assembling it, there’s absolutely no way I would ever use it in a class (I’m a firm believer in soldering should be stress relieving not stress inducing).

Currently, I know that I never want another Treedix kit.

Velleman keeps popping up on my Amazon. Are they good.

Any suggestions??

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Thank you!!!

@NicoleR check this out before you checkout!!


Thank you!


My 9yo made this Christmas tree kit, it’s a LOT of LEDs maybe a bit much for a class but by the end she was a pro and it was fun!

They’re sort of everywhere made by everybody, a classic. Also cheap. I think I got it off eBay.


On the list of Amazon things there is the Adafruit TV-B-Gone. It has a number of selling points in my opinion.

  1. Adafruit is a fantastic, woman-owned, queer friendly, education focused company that fits the spirit of MakeICT

  2. Once the person has assembled the project, they have something useful the next time they’re in a doctors office or other lobby that has a TV on something really annoying.

EDIT: It’s slightly cheaper directly from Adafruit. TV-B-Gone Kit [Universal v1.2] : ID 73 : $19.50 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits