I was curious if there was anywhere in town that sells filament? I’ve been having to buy off Amazon. I don’t love that, but it’s cheap enough and they ship quick. But I’d like to know if there was somewhere in town I could pick some up in a pinch.
I’ve picked up some Polaroid brand filament from Joann Fabric in a pinch. I think Sam’s Club might sell some too, but I can’t confirm that
Cool. Didn’t know they carried it. how much do they charge?
Between $20-30 for a kilogram spool. Pretty reasonable and it printed fine.
Caleb check in with Frank Mitchell, I know he sells filament @Frank
I sell it 17$ a roll or 10 for 150$
Pla gst3d 1.75mm
Hobbytown sells filement
They don’t show any in stock in Wichita. Haven’t been to the store though.
It’s on the right side of the store right after you pass the register.
OMG you were not kidding. They have 100 different rolls to choose from. Ended up getting two for today’s trip, but I know for sure I will be going back. Great prices too, fairly close to what Amazon prices are for several different ones I would use. Thank you for that tip!!!