A few years ago I built a quadcopter for falconry which I could get to fly successfully for about 2-3 flights before the GPS would malfunction and it would crash spectacularly. I replaced the unit more than once and suspect I was somehow causing the issue though I did not figure out how. My understanding of the entire system is very rudimentary and I’d like to understand it better but with online reading I kept running into issues with jargon I couldn’t understand/find definitions for or explanations of. I still have the drone and would really like to get it functional again. If anyone knows anything or good resources for me I would appreciate it!
(For reference, the basic function of the quadcopter in falconry is to carry a lure garnished with meat to a set point in the sky and stay there in position until the bird is released and takes the lure. No camera is on the drone because of weight/battery/time limits. And crashing spectacularly can wipe out a falcon, so it’s really undesirable.)
Hey Sherry. Do you know Steve Trent? He was telling me about a falconer from out of state who builds own. I can’t recall his name. But if you know Steve he would tell you. If not, I could ask. I have a dji which I don’t really like. Steve uses another brand that works pretty well.
I do! Steve’s friend Monte Markley learned how to build these drones from a falconer in OK who’s an aircraft enthusiast. Monte was my falconry sponsor and he helped me, but we were limited to replacing components when it came to trouble shooting this issue. So you could say that’s how I got into this mess in the first place, LOL. Steve is an absolute legend in falconry.
How big/small is it? Noise on data lines usually come from EM burst (No High Powered Tx/RX equipment near computers/monitors, trust me). If it’s small form just the motors turning blades might do it. The RX on the airframe possibly. Long list really. Curse of the DIY airframe.