Any upcoming classes?

Any chance there will be jewelry making classes in the near future? I joined in October, and I’ve been eagerly awaiting a class!




My sincerest apologies. This past few months have proven that “Life finds a way” doesn’t just apply to Jurassic Park movies and not always positively.

I’ve been contacted by a few members via email and have set some one on one classes up for people as i can arrange my free time to match theirs. Mostly authorizations and skill testing for cabbing machine authorization.

I know in the not to distant future Mr. Day has some jewelry design courses planned and there is an ongoing discussion about a possible field trip in-state to do some rock hunting.

Im going to post some classes for this Monday so if you want to request a class and available time I’ll set it up. Monday is my only guaranteed free day for the rest of this month so any reasonable time during that day will work.


field trip in-state to do some rock hunting.

I didn’t know they were in season! What caliber do you recommend?

Actually seeing the amazing stones in the gallery and a recent trip to 3rd planet to see their beautiful stones, this sounds like a fun trip with the grands!


We tend to find where the herd has come to rest then strike up close and personal. If done correctly they don’t even know you’re there and stay perfectly still.

Alternatively same technique but with explosives. Tends to disturb the group more and scatters them.


Thanks for the response! I can’t do anything this Monday due to work and another commitment in the evening. But I will keep checking. :upside_down_face:

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Is there any days/times of the week that work best for you?

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I have zero knowledge of jewelry making, besides basic beading and a bit of using wire to wrap stones.
My next week is extremely busy, so I’ll just keep watching to see if you post any classes. I really need an intro type class. No rush…. Thank you for responding!


@MAtherton I would like to get authorized and take some classes as well!

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Do you have a preferred availability?

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I could be there between 3-3:30 today. If that works?

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Sorry i missed the post, got sidetracked with home repairs. Is there days you’re more available then others?


No problem. Usually weekends are best for me. Unless, I get some free time on a weeknight.


Ill try to get some scheduled in March during the weekends then. Again my apologies for delays.

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