Angel wings

Friend from high school’s daughter is in a production where she needs wings. Sample shapes done now. Will cut from balsa and wrap in carbon fiber next.


Can’t believe it’s been almost 2 months since I cut out that sample piece. Still not done. Project has really been much longer.

Photos of plan A, plan C, and plan B1. No photos to be taken of plan B because it didn’t make it past the computer.

Hoping this week I get past the will this work phase and can actually finish it.

Man, glaciers get to the end faster than I do! I did make some progress tonight, I think. I think this is plan D. Hopefully it works. I do think my earlier plans could have worked with some changes, but there’s no going back at this point.

After having all kinds of issues trying to make this mold the right way, I resorted to am old truck I learned before I knew any better. Packing tape for a release film. I just keep telling myself if it’s stupid but it works, it’s not stupid!

The test pieces came off ok.

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Coooooool. I’m curious about the weight— how heavy do you think they’ll be, and Is she going to wear a harness of some kind?

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I’m curious about the weight too! :rofl:

I did a calculation once but I don’t remember what numbers I came up with, and thinking about it now, I think I was way low on how much material was really needed, thinking 2 layers would be enough and 2 is clearly not enough.

Maybe a bit of progress. Still not 100 % sure how I’m going to attach the two halves once I get the other half done.

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Hopefully the other half is easier to prep.

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