My first mistake was telling my grandchild I could print a giant rainbow unicorn.
Halfway through the print it errored out and shut it down. I look at the com window and the bed temp suddenly went to -55. I’ve seen that usually i reseat the connectors and its fine. This time it wouldn’t clear. So on the main board i swapped the hot end and bed thermistor plugs, restarted and the problem moved. So definitely the thermocouple path.
Id had enough of this so i decided to solder the tc cables down. Which was nearly a good idea.
To be honest id have done it sooner but im lazy. I didnt jive with the look of that though. So i took off the connector and cleaned it up a bit
When I started into that i noticed my first soldering was while the system was powered. Once it was reassembled it now gives me a constant temp of 99.
Which I assure you its not. Swapping the TC cables does NOT move the problem. So now the issue i think is in the main board. But the connection just has a current limiting resistor and a cap
So Im thinking i may have blown the pin? On the uC