Air Con Left On

I’ve been coming to the building a lot this last week either late at night or early in the morning.
There is invariably an AC unit left on cooling an empty room somewhere in the building EVERY TIME.
FabLab, Ceramics and Woodshop 1 are the most frequent I find, but on my shut down tour last night I also found Room 4, South Hallway blasting and set to 68 degrees at 11:40 PM.
Please, Please, Please shut off the AC when you leave the room.


A/C completely off or set at like 85? :blush: thank you


Good question,
Ideally, For the units in the South Hall with a Thermostat on the wall, set them to 80 when not in use.
For the window units it’s better to simply shut them off.
The window units are already undersized for the space and will never be able to keep up with the heat load.


Thank you! This is very helpful information for everyone to know. :blush:


I noticed this when I came in the other night to cut a part out in the wood shop. I like the idea I had for the heaters - put them all on timers so they are turned off after x time. If you’re still working, turn it back on for another cycle.


I too liked your idea.


We used to have a system like that at Cessna on the weekend and that worked pretty well. I think it was on a 2 hour timer.


I have a terrible memory. Would it be possible to have this info posted on a wall somewhere (if it’s not already that is? )


I am not sure who the governing body would be for the signage but I will start with a request to Facilities


While a noble effort, history would show that signs on the wall, door, window do little to actually remind people to do stuff. I will say though, that the air conditioners being left on is a better alternative to people constantly leaving windows open when they leave like used to happen. I haven’t had to rant about that in awhile!

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I have a couple of ideas about this that I wouldn’t mind meeting with someone on at some point. Unfortunately my spare time isn’t that much existent.

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A sign on the door of each maker space right where it would be in my face as I exit would be a good reminder. “Last one here? Turn off the AC”. I have remembered each time so far- but in my opinion it would be a good reminder. Wouldn’t work for some but also wouldn’t hurt to have the signs. Just my thoughts.