What’s the current status of access to the air compressor in the wood shop? It seems like lines have been run for a centralized system. Is this up and running for the wood shop? If so, how does it work?
What’s the current status of access to the air compressor in the wood shop? It seems like lines have been run for a centralized system. Is this up and running for the wood shop? If so, how does it work?
Looks like it is up - check Air compressor is down for some things to be mindful of while you are using it.
You may need to plug in the air compressor in the hot side of the metalshop and flip the little black switch to on as well as open the valve on the air compressor as well as the one on the wall labeled ‘wood shop’.
It’s a few more things to do, but the air in that line has been run through a refrigerated air dryer that should remove most, if not all, of the moisture that would normally be spitting out of an air tool and onto that nicely sanded, unsealed wood working project.
Please be sure to turn off the compressor when you are done with the air tool.
Got it. Thank you.