Thanks Russ
Thank you Russ.
I’m looking for a name plaque I made my granddaughter. It has little full moons with faces and it says SAGE
It did not fit in the last firing. It is in the kiln now.
oh ok. Didn’t see it back there. Thanks for letting me know. Much appreciated
Does anyone know when the next glazed firing will be done? Do you think it’ll be out by Friday perhaps?
I know there was a load of Bisque in the Kiln yesterday. I’m not sure exactly who is doing the kiln but I assume its Russ. I do believe Russ was trying to fire and empty everything on the bisque shelf first because the glaze shelf was empty at the time. I’m pretty sure the next firing will be a glaze fire since he is pretty much caught up on the bisque firing and the glaze shelf is starting to fill up. From the meeting last night I do know we have the part for the other kiln, it’s just a matter of time before we have both up and running on a schedule again.
The glaze should have completed in the last few hours and should be cooled enough to unload in the evening tomorrow or perhaps a bit sooner.