2020 MakeICT Committees - Call For Help

As each of you know Make ICT is run completely by member volunteers. It takes many hands to attend to all the details to insure we are an organized and smoothly operating organization. We need each of our 300 members to ask themselves "How can I contribute and do my part? "
We have divided needs into 15 committees. These committees are:
2. IT
3. Fundraising
4. Facilities
5. Classrooms/Education/Outreach
6. Membership
7. Finance
8. Fundraising
9. Communications/Wiki Librarian
10.Community/Events/Special Projects
11. Awards and Donor wall
12. Scholarship
13 Inventory/Procurement
14 Creator Showcases
15 Election
Per our By Laws, we are to have committee members in place by September’s board meeting. I would like to hear from all those who are willing to help keep MAKEICT the thriving community we all love. With the help of many the load is light. Email me at paula.pankratz@makeict.org. Let me know where your interests and talents could best be utilized. Thank you in advance for hearing our call. We want and need your help.

PS Don’t forget ReMake Ict Tuesdays 6-9pm Roll up your sleeves and help us to occupancy. If you would like to be on the “call for help” text list email your contact info. to paula.pankratz@makeict.org

Together, WE can do this!


I made a FB post no e-mails were displayed and it links back to here.