Hi makers - at the annual meeting presentation and in my Q&A thread I’ve been telling everyone about how our “program” model differs from what MakeICT institute means to me. Basically, we can best fulfil our mission by focusing on what we do best: being an awesome makerspace.
I didn’t get much pushback in my Q&A thread. I paused for questions at the annual meeting and no spoiled fruit was thrown at me. Maybe what I’m saying is okay.
So a third way we could convey this idea is to re-organize our website.
Currently at http://makeict.org under “who we are” we have these headings:
MakeICT Makerspace - yup
DevICT - an awesome group of our friends who are becoming their own 501c3
Kansas Linux Fest - another awesome group that wants to go under DevICT because they have more in common
Open Wichita - on hiatus, link is currently broken
I would like to change these to what I say we are in orientation:
Community - I always say we’re a community first. I’ll make a new page to summarize for visitors know how to get into our community through volunteering, outreach events, public events, and open time in areas like ceramics and textiles.
Makerspace - yup
Education - a FAQ-like page describing classes, prerequisites, opportunities, and most important tips for how to teach a class
- Great idea
- Bad idea
- Other
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