The famous admin list

Actually I’m quite pleased. Good work!

@trysten Trysten, you asked something and I forgot to answer. Sorry.
I want every single post in my email. And so far, that’s not happening. There’s still posts I’m missing so there’s conversations I’m missing and so discourse is not a good option for the admin list. In my opinion.

Please send any examples of missing posts to so that they can be investigated. Thanks.

I have a way to solve both problems and combine everything together but so far I’ve just been blown off…

Joel, I understand that you like the software that you chose to run your site, and I understand the potential benefits. Like I said when we discussed it in person, I appreciate that you brought it up. I’m also not in love with a lot of our current software (to put it lightly), and most who have had the pleasure of working with it feel the same. However, I also know that it would take a huge amount of work to move any of the membership and event related functions to a new platform, and that new platform will have to be thoroughly tested, and even after testing there will be new problems that crop up. Our current software certainly has issues, but they do have the benefit of being known issues. Also, changing to a new membership management software will certainly cause at least a temporary drop in membership.

I could ramble on about the pros and cons, but what it boils down to is that I’m currently not convinced that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and risks. However, I’m certainly open to convincing. We would need a test site to be set up and configured to demonstrate that it can handle our membership and event scheduling requirements at a minimum. I don’t have a whole lot of excess time, but I could help get some server space allocated for testing if you want move forward with it.


Christian, I already understand your concerns but I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t think it would make things better for you. I just wish everyone would quit being afraid of making a change for the better because it seems to be super counter intuitive to what MakeICT is all about…

With a year + of experience with the software, I’ve actually had a big hand in helping the developers develop it by being a big source of feedback for them. A lot of changes that have happened to the current software, that I’m recommending, has come from my feedback to them.

Plus, it’s an easy system to learn because I could teach it to you in a short amount of time and easily admin it from anywhere…

I would just need to know how your current setup is and how we could adapt it over. Plus, you can literally write your own modules for it because it’s open source. So if there’s something you want, we could make it.

I already have server space that we could test it on and then when you want to go live we could move it over.

I’m willing to help in all this and even spear head it…but I need you to work with me to get it done. It’s not as hard as you would think…and it would bring everything together under one roof, which would solve a lot of problems.

I’m all for positive changes, but I like to take a good look before I leap, especially when the leap could end in a long fall and a loud splat.

I can start you off with a list of minimum requirements, but I’ll do that elsewhere. We’ve probably drifted a bit too far off topic for this thread.

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Ok just pm me…

Under [Preferences -> Email] there is an option called Mailling List Mode that causes discourse to send an email for every new post. There are other options that allow for daily summaries and other things. Check these options and note any changes you make. If you have mailing list mode on and aren’t receiving emails for unmuted threads, I’m sure that we can get it fixed.

@trysten mailing list mode is on and always has been…

Kez Cook

Board Member