I went in this evening and have Prusa 2 communicating again. I left a Benchy printing on it, just as something I was using to test the functionality from Prusa Slicer and OctoPrint, but it isn’t necessary to save it.
I went in this evening and have Prusa 2 communicating again. I left a Benchy printing on it, just as something I was using to test the functionality from Prusa Slicer and OctoPrint, but it isn’t necessary to save it.
The small boat on prusa 2 failed.
Thank you! At least I have proof it made it through at least 18 layers successfully… Sigh…
When Brad and I were messing with it Tuesday night, the connection light would blink off if you barely breathed on the USB connector. It doesn’t seem stable to me. We also got it to connect for a bit but it wouldn’t stay like that so I didn’t trust it.
1 was down - said it wouldn’t extrude but a temp bump cleared that out.
3 has some table leveling issue I couldn’t get a print to stick.
Paul C seems to have got 3 going. He had a nice one on 3 that was sticking just fine. I did change the port that 2 was plugged into on the Pi. I wiggled and jiggled it, and it stayed connected to Octoprint.