Plasma CNC?

I have been waiting to become a member. I would like to use the cnc plas after joining. has it been fixed, or is it still unreliable? dont want to join if i cant use it

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Currently the CNC Plasma is working just fine… However due to the nature of a shared space and the sharing of the equipment by many who can and will adjust the settings to fit what ever need they have. The equipment will never have 100% up time.

While myself , other members and my assistant leads do our best to address machines being down quickly if your expectations are that the machine will be up all the time and 100% reliable I would suggest you not join a shared resource such as Makeict.

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Would you say the cnc plasma table is operable about 90% to 95% of the time since it was built? That’s about what it seems to me but I don’t ever use it.

I would say the CNC is one of the higher break down machines up time would be in the 80 - 90% range
although many times its simply broken cause someone jammed an axis or switch and no one that knows what they are doing has looked into it yet.
I very rarely have to buy parts for it.

The reason I asked is because there is a post saying cnc plasma down/ not reliable. in no way do i expect it to be fool proof.

we got it fixed to the 90-95% level again


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