New Code of Conduct for MakeICT

From the Wiki::

" MakeICT prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over people’s comfort. The Board of Directors reserves the right not to act on complaints regarding:

  • ‘Reverse’ -isms, including ‘reverse racism,’ ‘reverse sexism,’ and ‘cisphobia’
  • Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone,” “go away,” or “I’m not discussing this with you.”
  • Communicating in a ‘tone’ you don’t find congenial
  • Criticizing racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive behavior or assumptions"

This whole section boils down to the board will only act on good faith complaints instead of chasing everything like a dog on a highway at rush hour.

This whole of the Code of Conduct is just an expansion on the harassment policy and how it’s to be enforced. If you’re not going out of your way to be insufferable and show people their due respect there is nothing to be concerned about in any of this. Speaking only for myself i have no doubt in my mind if i was reported for any reason that i would hope whatever board that is elected at that time would do a thurough investigation and only act after finding reports were substantiated, nor do i have any reason to doubt that the current board would not give any member their due diligence.
If it is you’re position that that is not the case, board elections come -very- frequently here.


Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I was struggling with finding the words to convey this.


This right here.
Thanks @MAtherton for explaining this concisely and efficiently!


I served with MakeICT’s leadership team for many years in the earlier stages of our community. In that time I personally experienced racist and homophobic remarks from people in our community… but I also received reports from other members who experienced racist and sexist behaviors from some of the same people. The board has always had the capacity to revoke memberships, but the people who reported these things to me personally always asked me not to escalate and I respected that. They were afraid of retaliation, and honestly, they weren’t wrong.

One of the failures of my leadership was leaning so hard on “be excellent to each other” and not putting in the work to install a proper code of conduct long ago. It’s an embarrassment, frankly, and I take responsibility.

Now that we do have a proper CoC, I certainly hope that it does empower people to speak up and makes them feel safe from retaliation when they do. Thanks, once more, to the good people who put energy into this.


I do have a few points where current CoC could be improved.

From Wiki:
" We will respect confidentiality requests for the purpose of protecting victims of abuse. At our discretion, we may publicly name a person about whom we’ve received harassment complaints, or privately warn third parties about them, if we believe that doing so will increase the safety of MakeICT members or the general public. We will not name harassment victims without their affirmative consent."

-I do believe this paragraph should be amended or struck out in entirety and replaced with verbiage that only names individuals with substantiated reports against them. I understand investigations take time and we wish to protect current and possible future victims but naming individuals publicly without due process is not productive and could be taken as harassment or slander.

From the Wiki:

" Consequences

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

If a participant engages in harassing behavior, The Board of Directors may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion from all MakeICT spaces and identification of the participant as a harasser to other MakeICT members or the general public."

-This is vague and would be better served by a numbered step system of consequences with verbiage in place stating any step can be skipped based on severity of the offense.

Also we should address the fact that in cases of harassment there will be instances where it can not be proven one way or another objectively if the harassment did indeed occure. We should codify definitions of the report being ::

Founded - Objectively provable that it occured by witness or fact.
Unfounded - Objectively provable to have not occured based on witness or fact.
Unsubstantiated - Can not be objectively proven to have or have not occured.


Meeting is online tonight also, can be hard to find the link on the calendar.
Anti Discrimination/Anti Harassment Committee Meeting
Tuesday, November 29 · 6:00 – 7:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 301-882-5459‬ PIN: ‪821 191 059‬#
More phone numbers:


not allowing me in yet…

thanks, im in

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It was a really good discussion this evening-- thanks to everybody who participated. :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

I am even more convinced that a community of people who genuinely care about each others’ well-being would be almost totally unaffected by a code of conduct/anti-harassment policy being implemented.

It’s only the exceptions, the outliers, the “almosts,” that make such policies necessary, and denying that only-- ironically-- underscores that necessity.

And by exceptions/outliers/“almosts,” I am talking specifically about those who don’t hurt others accidentally, but who actively and knowingly disregard the interests of others around them. Everybody is capable of making honest mistakes. I don’t believe anybody thinks honest mistakes should be treated the same as deliberately hurting someone, or not caring if you do.


Its relevant because hateful rhetoric breeds hateful actions. This is something i have to be hyper aware about whenever im in public. When will someone choose to escalate hateful words to hateful deeds. not having to think about this is privilege.


What a ride this comment section has been. While it is good to see so many in vocal support of people like me, it has also been disheartening and ugly to witness some of the hateful nonsense some of you have posted.
For those people: you should be ashamed of yourselves, and if you have a problem with me, im sorry YOU have a problem, but it is YOUR problem to have. What I have in my pants is noones business. Ive dealt with harrassment personally from at least one person in this very discussion string. (you know who you are)
I do believe the future arcs in the direction of inclusion and acceptance.

Also here is another idea, if you want to know about trans issues, perhaps ask a trans person if they have the energy to explain it to you. If you want to know about black history, listen to black voices. and so on. Also it is not anyones job to educate you but yourself. I have seen a few examples in this thread of men rebuffing efforts to educate them on there ignorance by at least one woman, think about that.

If someone needs resources about understanding trans and lgbtqia+ issues, i would be more than happy to start a new comment thread to share accurate information.

Being excellent to each other means that when you know better, you do better.


An in person apology at some point would be a good start. The things you said to me were ugly and hateful, on a post intended to share the joy of living my truth. I hope you heal from whatever hate inside that made you say those things. As far as my moving past it: Ive already moved on. Unfortunately the experience with you isnt an isolated incident. Trans people deal with negativity like that on the daily, but at least you were up front about, that way i knew right away that you werent safe. If your heart has changed, that is awesome news for you. Understand that with the exception of an apology, i would prefer to keep my distance.


I hate to revive such an ugly thread, but I wanted to share my experience, as it might be useful insight as someone who is browsing MakeICT content for the first time.

I stepped away from the space for several months to deal with a death in my family. My older brother succumbed to a long, horrible bout of cancer. I’ve recently begun popping my head back in and completely missed out on most of the discussion that’s been going on. The weight and depression of what has happened to my family has been really tough, and I very seriously thought about throwing in the towel and leaving my Garden Area Lead responsibilities and just climbing into a depression hole.

That’s not helpful for anyone long-term, so I shook the idea and have since started to plan for spring and have been feeling much better as of late.

The reason I say this is because I now log onto the forum and see that hate and ignorance seems to be growing within our space. IMO, some of the comments on this thread deserve a permanent ban. It’s absolutely unacceptable to be questioning anyone’s identity or personal life choices publicly, especially documented on a forum. This mindset is incompatible with the basic tenants of our space.

I’ll tell you, this thread makes we want to run far, far away from MakeICT. It’s bad enough that we have to deal with this kind of ignorance in the media, in our politics, in our schools, etc. But to see this looming among our membership at a place that should ONLY be about crafts, art, and simply having fun is gross. I can’t imagine someone joining our organization and logging onto this forum and reading this thread, or many other recent ones, where adults are acting like petulant middle schoolers.

The only reason you would have a problem with the code of conduct is if you’re accustomed to not policing what’s coming out of your mouth. If you’re feeling targeted by those bylaws, it’s because you’re the person in the room making everyone uncomfortable because you can’t keep your thoughts to yourself.

I see the code of conduct policy as pretty straight forward: don’t make people feel uncomfortable. I don’t believe that anyone is actually confused about what this policy means. It’s very easy to not comment on someone’s appearance, sexuality, gender, race, etc. It’s easy to not have conversations about these topics loudly in a public space so others might hear. Stop acting like it’s easy to slip up or that you “might say the wrong thing.” I’ve been a member for four years. Somehow, I’ve managed to enter the space and not say inappropriate things to the people around me. I manage to not discuss politics or social issues loudly in front of mixed company. All of the comments questioning this policy are in bad faith, and we can all see through your dog whistling. There’s a lot of fake persecution that’s going on–people act like they’re the victim because they’ve simply been asked to follow some simple rules or have been called out on outdated, offensive viewpoints. We all see through it. This happened in the garden committee. We welcomed someone into our space, and they tried to take advantage at every turn. The slightest pushback, the smallest of limitations on their work, was seen as an egregious censoring of their ideas. We had a wonderful day of community collaboration and artwork ruined because they felt slighted by having basic boundaries put around them. It’s insufferable martyrdom and annoying to be around.

Anyway, these are my gripes. I can tell you that so many people are tired of the fighting and childishness that is on display in threads like this. We’re losing dedicated volunteers–people who loved this space–because of this crap. Just stop.


@SeanSandefur I’m really sorry for your loss.
Well said, I couldn’t agree more. If everyone let everyone else be themselves, it would be so much more of a happy place to be. It would also be a much better “healing space” for all of us who are going through tough times such as yourself.


Thank you, Dan.


Ok. On that note, this thread is now closed.