Need some help selecting the correct parts

Ok long story short im building a finish line for RC car drag racing that uses IR/Laser trip beams 1 on each side. When tripped im wanting it to turn on a light so we can see the winner… The part im having issues with is i need something to kill the power to one side once the car passes through the other so we dont have left lane and right lane lights on at the same time. What would i need to accomplish this? Any help would be appreciated!

If I’m hearing correctly. You need a thing that shows which of multiple things do its thing first.

This is a similar problem to the quiz button circuit. Where the first button that gets pushed is acknowledged. ( ) is one with a simple 555 circuit. Only instead of a button you would have a ir sensor doodad.


Perfect. Could prob replace the reset button for a wireless one as well. Thank you!!!

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