My first quilt

Thank you June and Rayna. At least now, I’ll feel like I can be somewhat prepared when I do set up a time to learn the longarm. Just one more question I just thought of. Will I need to pin the layers together before they go on the longarm or will they be held together by the machine? I’m assuming they won’t need to be pinned together since the pins would get in the way of quilting. I’ll get a couple pieces put together and be ready for working on them. I’ll go up to A1 and see what they have for panels. For mail order, I’ve also seen that has lots of panels.

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You are correct, no pins. They can
Potentially damage the machine and/or if the pin breaks the needle there is a risk of injury. We will show you how to use the longarm to keep your project in place.

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That sounds like a plan Rayna. I know we have to avoid hitting pins with the machine needle, but wasn’t sure if the layers needed to be held together before putting on the longarm. But now I know.