Looking for instructors

I guess I haven’t pushed this too heavily in the past, but if people would like to teach classes in the metalshop, they are welcome to. I encourage people to do so and I can assist as necessary.

I also encourage taking the ‘how to teach a class’ class first, but I don’t have a problem setting up classes on the calendar for them or being a part of practice runs for classes.

There’s a lot of classes I would like to teach like the wind chime class, but it would be awesome to see someone’s take on a class that involves using the angle grinders and other metalshop hand tools.


Remember that to teach a class doesn’t require you to be the smartest expert (sometimes those guys can’t explain well). If you think you want to try it, I will totally help out any way I can with the teaching end… and I am sure Rusty can help with the metal stuff! :slight_smile:


As a former educator I am more than happy to offer any how to teach insights I can to anyone who might want advice.


In general if you can do a thing you can probably teach a thing. People get worried that someone is going to call them out on doing it wrong.

When people do that to me I tell them they can bloody well teach their own damn class.

If someone came to me wanting to teach electronics I would 100% show them how I do it and chat with them on how they would do it. Always have in the past, probably will always do that.



On Thu, Sep 1, 2022, 13:09 Brett Headford via MakeICT Forum <noreply@talk.makeict.org> wrote:

| BrettfromOz
September 1 |

  • | - |

As a former educator I am more than happy to offer any how to teach insights I can to anyone who might want advice.

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I’d love to TAKE more metalshop classes! I took basic authorization, but really do not use the metalshop outside of that. I had fun with the bender making my library roof but when I was in there people would ask me questions and I’d have to sadly say that I do not know much of anything about the metalshop tools. wind chimes sound fun.

I don’t know anything really with the metalshop buuut I would love to take a wind chime class! Is this an actual class I can sign up for?

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I haven’t gotten that class off the ground yet. I’ve made a prototype wind chime that sounds relaxing while being easily heard across the yard, but the cost would put that class close to $50.


Sounds like a bargain especially considering you’re providing the materials!

I love that there’s the opportunity to use what you’ve learned in the class to come back later and make a custom sail for your new wind chimes too.

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I agree. 50 bucks sounds very reasonable to me. Can’t figure out how to get notifications of these replies :woman_facepalming:. And Google send all makeict into a promotion folder automatically because it knows I’m to stupid to fix it. But I am interested if you make that class!

Please, someone teach a class on how to remove rust from cast iron skillet and how to do the mirror finish. :sob:

I used salt and vegetable oil with a cloth to scrub rust off. It’s my understanding that very thin layers of oils and lower heat create the right finish.

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Using electro etching will take the rust off clean.

Cast iron will not go to a mirror finish.

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