Kid Classroom/Adult and Me Area - I need at least 3 more people

I would have to see the materials…

Hey all… Anyone interested in helping us get the classroom ready to paint come over on Saturday 3/7 morning/afternoon…
We have a few painting tasks and ideas are always welcome…

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We’ll back at Booth on Sunday. Come help. Let’s get Booth ready!!! We can do this if everyone will pitch in!!

  1. Tomorrow we are cleaning the walls and taping for paint in room #3 Angel’s son Chris has graciously agreed to paint it for us if we prep it.
  2. The floors in the 1st metal shop and 1st wood shop are ready for Epoxy. We need a crew of 3-4. Rustin is heading up those tasks.
  3. We have a big dumpster on site. We have debris that is sitting on the ADA parking pad that needs to go in the dumpster.
  4. The ADA pad needs power washed and made ready for stenciling.
  5. We have guttering that needs cleaned out and leaves to rake up.
    Next week we’ll be ready to start the Electrical and plumbing work.
    We made such great progress today. Lets keep the momentum going!!
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ERP and TEXTILES are ready to have floors striped and waxed. It would be great if we took some time and wiped down the walls and cleaned the windows. Those rooms are just about ready to move into. That means…we are ready to have those areas boxed and packed at Douglas!!! Please reach out to the area leads and let them know they can count on your help.

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