I can only change it up to 5 mins after it’s posted but there is a multi choice option I will use in the future
So the concern was brought up if trunk or treat was going to be something we could do with covid-19 precautions I called city hall they told me wichita follows sedgwick co.health dept. Guidelines.
I called them and they shuffled me to an answering machine. I left a message they called me back about an hour later they did not give me an answer but said they would email me a link to what we need to do.
I’m still waiting on email as of 4:30pm.
I will update when we get more info including link to these precautions.
So here it is according to guidelines they do not recommend trunk or treat functions
But have not ban it if you choose to have it
There is guidelines in below link even.
Here is the link:
Thank you for following through with getting this.
Yea good work!
maybe some sort of “drive thru” concept with a “six foot pole” or slide to deliver a presanitised treat… i am thinking a mad scientist theme might work well…
Or candy cannons! Just launch treats at random children as you drive down the street!
ah treat delivery… that is interesting…
or trebuchets… or robots…
So we will be doing this trick or trunk? Excited
I want too im just a terrible organizer
I bought some balloons for balloon animals…
Inexperienced perhaps Frank, but your doing well.
I did a makeict mad scientist illustration if you guys want to re-purpose it for a Halloween thing.
This is just a picture of my screen. But I can get you guys the real one to add your text and whatever your name is going to be. Let me know.
This is exactly how @dom looked…
I go really light on infill on these like 2% to 5%
It weighed 539grams I get my filament for 12.99$ so about 6or 7 $ to make
Thingiverse print
Thanks everyone who was interested in trunk or treat.
Due to facility being closed and the requirements by local officials I regret to inform you that we are going to use this as a dry run only and when we get up and running we will have a better idea what we need to do.
Sorry to hear but good to know we have an opportunity to practice it and get prepared for future events.