Free - Delta 10" table saw

Free for anyone who wants it – 10" Delta table saw. Needs an on/off switch – currently stuck in the “on” position.


Could you post a picture of it please?

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We would be glad to have it. Do you want us to pick it up? I can come tonight.

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It would be cool to have a saw set up with adado and another with a regular blade. It would also be nice to have a blade available that leaves a flat bottomed kerf

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Flat bottom kefs make the rockin world go round


On Tue, Feb 14, 2023, 18:46 David Hanson via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| whateg01
February 15 |

  • | - |

It would be cool to have a saw set up with adado and another with a regular blade. It would also be nice to have a blade available that leaves a flat bottomed kerf

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Fixed it for you