Facility/equipment maintenance issues

There have been a few posts about equipment issue, and I have seen several comments about classes and such about learning how to maintain specific pieces of equipment. I think MakeICT (we the members) need to expand the number of people that are helping with the upkeep of things around the building. I personally am at time frustrated when I come into the space to use something and it is broken or dirty. I try to help out where I can.

It is a tough issue. I have seen some questionable attempts at repairs that end up making things worse. Much of this is on the area lead and how they recruit assistant leads. Everybody has lives and a limited amount of time and I assume every area could use a hand. Can you read and follow a manual. Most of our equipment is on the wiki with manuals. Can you clean always needed to tidy up after some members that don’t clean up after working the space. If you have had the same frustrations about the state of the space or equipment come to the area leads meeting. It is a good time to talk to the poor saps. Sorry, I mean wonder people that make the space function.

We are 100% volunteer, and we need to balance the work load of the area leads/board/helpers, so nobody gets burned out. Someone somewhere in the building need help.



Do you think an “Equipment Adoption” program might be a possibility? I would envision 1-2 members familiar with their favorite area choosing a machine and being on call for repairs and maintenance. The forum could announce what’s up for adoption and area leads could coordinate rather than be responsible for doing everything.

The new Committee Stand rule was originally to help address some of this. Unfortunately, some area leads don’t want to share those duties. Current areas were left off the change. Committee Proposal on September's Board Agenda
As community is at our core I personally hope someday that all areas will have this type of structure.

That is a great idea. @ericlamp66 Are you free Monday Nov 11 at 6PM for the area leads meeting?

How would you like the position of “Equipment Adoption” member coordinator? :slight_smile: I am sure we can make a badge if that would help. Joking aside all ideas welcome to help grow the number of volunteers making the space work.

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I’m glad you like the idea! I may have a conflicting meeting on Monday but feel free to present and see how it goes over.
Thanks for your positivity!


If you can’t make it to the area leads meeting try for another. Try to get out to any administrative function board/building/area leads/new building. We don’t work without volunteers contributing and helping out.

Thank you for you ideas and input. I hope to see you around some time.

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