Donation Collection Processes

I never thought about signing papers and stuff like that. it was never mentioned before, so it never entered my brain. Ill look into the form Patrick is talking about.

I donā€™t think I implied that no attempt(s) have been made to track loaned tools or equipment. But, there have definitely been issues where people relied on fallible memory concerning who was the owner of something and if that something was loaned, who was responsible when something broke. And, thereā€™s plenty of evidence in this and other threads ( as well as examining the spreadsheet at ) that weā€™re not being very good at insisting that people loaning tools and equipment are following the stated policy.

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The main reason to have people go to the fundraising committee is to make sure they know the rules around fundraising and inventory. We have had a few efforts that have gone awry and donā€™t want any of that to repeat. (Or people could just read the wiki and know all of the rulesā€¦ lol)


I was going to write something, but I think @mikeb pretty much covered my thoughts. I donā€™t see how this would be an issue (especially for relatively low cost items) unless the parties doing the fundraising were misrepresenting things in some way as to mislead donors.