I am a mother first and that’s why I wasn’t there… I didn’t have a problem with you, I have problem with how you choose to package and deliver your message. I’m not beating a dead horse. I delivers information that was requested in the most unbiased form after the post died.
Your representation of the events at the membership meeting is not accurate. The changes were discussed, some people expressed concerns that the changes would be unhelpful or potentially harmful, and the general consensus was that it was not ready to be put up for a vote. There was discussion of reviewing the changes and potentially bringing it up for a vote at the annual meeting.
This discussion is not a waste of time. This specific change may not be what we ultimately need, but the underlying issues of board continuity and long-term planning are very important and need to be addressed.
Please be respectful to the other members of this organization. We certainly won’t agree all the time, but it’s hard for our volunteer leadership to keep up enthusiasm if they feel like they are being personally attacked for trying to fulfill their role.
There is a big difference between a personal attack and criticism. If I, or any member for that matter feel something is being done in a fashion they don’t approve of, then they shouldn’t be silenced. We should encourage people to have a voice, and speak out about the issues. We need people to speak up and be heard. Members come to me quite frequently with concerns and ideas, because they know I have a voice and I use it.
No ones suggesting you not to use your voice. People are more apt to listen and work with someone when they don’t speak in generalities.[quote=“JeremiahB, post:17, topic:524”]
There is much more important stuff to be focusing on, why do we always get caught up in this crap
Instead say “I like the board the way it is. I think finding a building is more relevant at this time. Where do we stand on that front?”
I’m not perfect on my delivery either, but I’m trying to take the time to say things in a way that are helpful and useful. Not pop off so much, which doesn’t help build or move the community along. Which is why I used screen shots of the post and read the meeting notes before I continued the conversation here.
Since the committee’s is currently made up of all board members. I’d like to add 2 members to the group, create a survey and have an open meeting sometime in May. If you’re interested in helping, looking at possible ways to update the bylaws please contact me.