
Maybe try wrapping some plastic wrap around the shield and up onto the mixer head. As long as it can’t get caught up in the paddle or whisk, whichever attachment you’re using, it should help contain the mess.

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Yep i have dozens of cheesecloths i can fit up there without them getting caught so thats the plan


Fifty years ago, I was a young tween, and offered to do the task of making whipped cream since Mom was busy. I loved being in the kitchen, cooking with all the ladies. I was at home there, a clearly engineering/mechanically inclined and talented smallish boy… who LOVED to cook too.
We bought our milk from Meese Dairy and it seperated overnight in our fridge… if you didnt shake the glass gallons daily. Sometimes we skimmed the cream and used it.
I think this day in memory was a birthday and we wanted whipped cream to top a fresh angel food cake. I took over for Mom at the stand mixer, stopping and scraping with a rubber spatula every minute or so. And they were into their cake conversation, and they momentarily forgot about me until I said something like …" Oops, I think it might be TOO stiff"… and grandma came over and looked and guffawed… “Timmy made whipped butter”. And patted me on the head and began to tell us how she had made butter [on purpose] using a churn.
Now since our cream had been lightly sweetened, we just used it like that. A butter like frosting. Buttercream. Very yummy. A lesson I just loved. OUR house was one where we kind of understood “If you aren’t failing, you arent learning”. And altho I was afraid at first for ruining our one chance at whipped cream that day… it turned out to not even matter. And what I DID make, tasted amazing on cake too.
Memories. Sometimes I cant find them. :slight_smile: