Attention members wanting to donate stuff/equipment

As of late I’ve been starting to see stuff/equipment suddenly appearing places (in the ERP and co-working area in particular). While it’s appreciated that people want to donate stuff that they hope someone might find useful, if we accepted everything people were willing to donate, we would very possibly have filled up the building a few times over. The proper way to donate stuff is to contact the area lead in charge of the area you think your donation would be the most suitable for, and ask if they want to accept it. If you’re willing to let it go to a home of a fellow member, you can post it on this forum.

To reiterate, please do not bring stuff in to stay here without at least consulting an area lead or board member first!


Some of that is left over from the art swap. My bad for not taking care of it.

Mark, could you post pictures? Maybe someone reading the forum might want to take it home and tinker with it.

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