Anybody here messed with DALL-E 2 or Midjourney?

Hi everybody. I’ve been silent for a while as I’ve been getting my new place all done and getting moved in. I’m finally at a point where I’ll soon be working in my workshop again and I’m really excited for that.

In the meantime, to get my maker fix, I’ve been going back to my digital art stuff like 3D modeling. In the process of doing that I’ve come across the new AI image generation technology that’s been popping up on the internet. Specifically DALL-E 2 and Midjourney. I’ve only messed with DALL-E 2 a little bit. But I’ve generated quite a few really cool images with Midjourney.

So I figured I’d share some of the images that I’ve managed to get from these super impressive AI. If anybody has messed around with anything like this feel free to share what you’ve made as well. I think stuff like this is excellent for quick concept art. Also you can just type in some really wild prompts and get the coolest desktop/phone background ever.

Anyways that’s enough chit-chat. Here’s some cool images made by a robot.

Prompt: “Yourself with glasses”

Prompt: “Don’t call me honey, honey”

Prompt: “A giant monster looming in the clouds behind the tallest statue in the world in the middle of the ocean with epic lightning”

The next two are my favorite ones. I had to split up the poem because it was too long for one prompt. I split up the poem “Smoke” by Henry David Thoreau and it made these.

Prompt: “Light-winged smoke, icarian bird, melting thy pinions in thy upward flight, lark without song, and messenger of dawn, circling above the hamlets as thy nest.”

Prompt: “Or else, departing dream, and shadowy form Of midnight vision, gathering up thy skirts; By night star-veiling, and by day Darkening the light and blotting out the sun; Go thou my incense upward from this hearth, And ask the gods to pardon this clear flame.”

There are quite a few more I’ve made but I didn’t want to go too overboard with the images in case there’s a limit I wasn’t aware of.

In case you’re not aware of what I’m sharing. These images were generated by an AI from the prompts that I gave to it. I’d be interested in everybody’s opinion towards this new technology. As somebody who always wants to make stuff but lacks the creativity to come up with ideas, I personally LOVE this.


An art group I’m in have been debating about is this truly art? Since the human is giving words and the AI is generating an image based on those words. If 2 different people gave the same prompt would the AI generate the same image? The same debate comes up in fashion. Many times graphic artist who print designs on apparel call themselves fashion designer even though what they are doing does not meet the definition of fashion design. Maybe the definition will change or maybe there will be a new term, but at this point if you’re not physically creating the image I believe it is deceitful to call it art created by you.

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So from what I understand you could give it the same prompt several times and each one would be unique. Depending on the ai of course.

Your last line though brings up a good point.
If these images are in fact generated new each time, and they are original pictures, doesn’t the intellectual property belong to the AI?


It does make some pretty cool art. I messed with DALLE 2. I think things like this are on a sliding scale. Electric Guitars and photographs are still considered music and art. Are synthetic drums music? They are certainly prevalent in music today, but I think something is missing something … kind of like the difference between photographs and painted pictures. Does that make it less music or more like photography… just different mediums? I don’t know.


talkies are a fad…


I’m glad there’s some others here interested in this discussion! I’m going to just tag everybody in one message to save from bombarding the forum with replies.

@Malissa I can totally see where you’re coming from. And I’m 100% against the idea of having the AI generate an image and then claiming that piece of art. And I do consider it a piece of art. Just not my own creation.

But I feel like it’s acceptable to use these tools for conceptualizing ideas in ways you otherwise wouldn’t normally. But I’d like to point out I didn’t actually say I made these images. I was pretty specific on them being generated by the AI and I simply gave it a text prompt. My apologies if my post came off as trying to claim these as my own art pieces.

Initially I tried Midjourney out for concept art, while I was participating in the Moving Meditations 3D render challenge and it was incredibly helpful with getting me going on my environment.

@james.a.seymour Yes, you give it a text prompt and with Midjourney specifically you can use a few commands to change certain settings like image size or aspect ratio. According to the licensing given from Midjourney, we technically have rights to use the images that are generated for us. But I was recently watching a video from the LegalEagle youtube channel that mentioned a law (or court case or something please don’t quote me on this) that basically said only humans can technically “copyright” something so basically anything generated by the AI legally can’t be copyright. But that stuff is honestly way over my head.

@ladeana I really can’t argue with you at all. A beautiful hand painted piece of art will always feel more special than some randomly generated image. I’m personally just blown away by how far this technology has come. One thing I’ve always struggled with is reading and actually visualizing what I’m reading. Something like this, especially with DALL-E and it’s ability to parse long text prompts, books are actually interesting to a person like me.

@cathyb I’m not sure what you mean by your reply.


It comes from the silent film era, the belief was that talking pictures would be short lived

Not you but others, have claimed they made the art some have made NTFs as if they were their own. The resounding answer to those who have done this is that the Art isn’t yours and that it is a deceptive practice to say such.

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Ah thanks I wasn’t aware of that expression. I’m totally on your side as far as claiming it as if you actually painted the piece. There’s definitely a lot of room for debate regarding how AI is used. But it’s pretty exciting to see these things being made though. Something like this would have been complete science fiction 10 years ago and it gets me excited for what the future holds.

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As i understand it every image generated on Mid journeys free tier is avalable to everyone as a public commons image. No one owns the rights to it.

The paid tiers and the images generated on it are private and therefore the source of its creation doesnt matter. Similar to a photo taken on a Canon camera. As Canon doesn’t own the rights so mid journey doesn’t own the rights.


I tried out the month subscription but that’s neither here nor there really as I only used it to make concept art and neat backgrounds. I don’t intend to ever try to profit or anything like that with them.

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Man Boasts About Winning Art Competition Using AI-Created Image from PCMag dot com