3D Printers Down for Cleanup

I will be cleaning the 3D Printer area saturday. Plan is to cleanup/organize the floor area and to cable manage and clean the 3D Printer countertop.


Wow! Great Project! I hope it went well!!!


Still going sadly. Only been working on it for over 3 hours

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Got the 3D Printer area mostly finished. Doing some touchup work while i have the laser running the background making signs for the filament area

Total time spent cleaning ~5 Hours

Here are the counters with the printers removed (yuck)

After dusting the counters

3D Printers after cable managing

So much crap!

Under the counters being cleaned

Finished cleaning the under counter area

Cleaning the mail/payment area

Finished Cleanup minus the signs for the filament storage


Beautiful. Thanks for cleaning!

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